People & Business Profiles

Admiral Shellfish Company, Oyster Farming in Baldwin County, Ft. Morgan

I find oyster farming fascinating. No two farms are the same, and the flavors differ depending on several location-related factors. One size does not fit all. If you are an oyster lover, you probably have your favorites based on where they came from. 
Dive Bars & Music

Fairhope's Fayland Guitars

Just the sight of an electric guitar can make someone dream of being a rock star, but it sent Chris Fayland down a different path. 
People & Business Profiles

The Plant Fairie, Fairhope

I know a woman who rides a Softail Harley, races a 22’ Lindenberg, is the Alabama Master of Shorinji Kempo with a 4th-degree black belt and is also a fairy, a plant fairy. She is a plant fairy because she can magically grow anything: ageratum, begonia, coreopsis, and that's only the first of the plant alphabet. Terri Loftin is her name, and is one of the hardest-working, toughest girls I know. I have the privilege of seeing her in action at her nursery in Fairhope, where I sometimes work for her. 
Epicurean Delights

South Meets South Wine Dinner, May 30 at Crown Hall, Mobile

What happens when South African cuisine and wine meet creative Southern chefs? An amalgamation of flavors and fun that’s sure to please the palate! That happens on Thursday evening, May 30 when Scenic 98 Coastal hosts its first Summer Splash Wine Dinner series at Crown Hall, Bay Gourmet Catering and Events space in Mobile. ‍
Dive Bars & Music

Live at Five and Red Clay Strays at Halstead Amphitheater, Fairhope

Our dear friend, writer, editor, and former dance studio owner, Gina Lanaux, epitomizes the creative energy that resonates throughout Fairhope’s history. Like many others who chose to make Fairhope their home, she embraces the arts, the unusual personalities, and the free-flowing lifestyle that brings a community together. 
Dive Bars & Music

A Cause for Celebration: Manci's Buildings Turn 100!

There’s often a lively crowd at Manci’s Antique Club, but now they have one more reason to raise a glass and smile—and it’s a big one. The building that houses the popular bar and restaurant has reached the century mark.