By Zeb Hargett
You’ve heard the term, “One size doesn’t fit all.” That phrase can apply to lots of things, but especially apparel. In this story, you could also use the phrase “Apples to Oranges.” These sayings let us know that two things are not alike. There is a distinctive difference and at FINCO, it applies to sportsfishing apparel.
On a tip from a friend, I reached out to Wesley Carpenter and Chad Lynch, owners of FINCO Sportsfishing Gear. The two friends are both sports fishing enthusiasts and were aware of the fact that. most outdoor apparel left something to be desired.
Off-the-shelf outdoor gear and apparel were lacking in comfort and design, especially in the hot, humid conditions along the Gulf Coast, so Chad decided to solve the problem. It started when he heard his friends complaining about the merchandise available in the marketplace.
“Everything was so touristy,” says Chad. “I started playing around with the designs, cleaning it up a bit with simple graphics, and sticking to a few themes for sport fishermen: fishing, boats, and water.”
Getting into the apparel business was not an easy task. Chad began experimenting with quality, performance, design, and fit using materials that offered better protection from the sun while remaining cool for the wearer. “Within the first year, I had what I wanted,” he says. Then he hit a wall.

He and Wesley, long-term friends who loved offshore fishing, often talked about the pros and cons of the fishing gear they wore. Wesley encouraged Chad to keep going and offered to help. They became business partners and began to look seriously at building a new, improved offering of outdoor fishing gear.
Chad purchased the necessary software to design custom apparel. The materials they sought were more durable. Wesley, a wealth management advisor in Fairhope, began to help Chad by sourcing factories all over the world to manufacture their products to the exact specifications they wanted. Wesley also drew upon his expertise in marketing.
“As we developed and produced the merchandise we felt was superior, we also saved money, and the quality improved,” Chad said. Over the last 5 years, the product line has expanded to include hats, t-shirts, hoodies, and performance shirts with SPF 50 protection from the sun. “We struggled with hats, but now we have a nice selection, including truckers hats and visors. We are in the design phase for shorts, which should be ready soon.”

The offshore fishing community has taken notice. FINCO can be found online, in marinas, and in tackle shops throughout the Scenic 98 Coastal area. “We have grown rapidly since we began 10 years ago. People see our apparel being worn by the fishing and boating community and like it. We fit a niche and our repeat orders are growing,” says Wesley.
Other coastal fishing towns are also discovering FINCO. “We are beginning to see sales in South Carolina. It’s a really good product and it’s catching on. Now the decision is where to go next. “We are focusing on inshore fishing apparel. The bass fishermen market is huge. We are figuring out whether to go national or stay south of I-10?” They are planning to engage sales representatives in the outdoor sport fishing space and see where it takes them.
“Tourists coming to the beach are beginning to recognize the brand. The product line is different from mainstream offerings. FINCO fits the conservation vibe along the coast. It has a very local, personable feel,” Chad says.
FINCO supports area conservation efforts like Hope on a Boat, the Kyser Miree Memorial Fishing Tournament, and others.
“We are purpose-made,” says Chad. “Fishing is brutal here. FINCO is designed for comfort in this environment. We are definitely not touristy but offer supreme performance at an affordable price.”
The future looks bright for Chad, Wesley, and FINCO. They both agree that the market will continue to grow. With a “the Sky is the limit” attitude, I wouldn’t bet against them. It’s encouraging to see two sports fishing enthusiasts doing what they love and paving the way to success.
Look for FINCO at select retailers, marinas, and tackle shops, or go online to find the perfect gift for those who want comfort, performance, and style while enjoying the great outdoors!